Arogya Jeewan

Arogya Jeewan

Panchakarma therapy

Panchakarma include five types of therapies that are an internal cleansing and nourishing processes that may be beneficial in the management of musculo-skeletal diseases,  auto-immune neurological and psychiatric disorders. As the name suggests, Panchakarma stands for 5 different cleansing methods i.e. Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis), Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation) and Vasti (Therapeutic enema), Nasya (nasal insufflations of medicines that nourish or aid elimination of toxins through nose) and Rakta Mokshana (Therapeutic Blood-letting). The therapy varies from person to person, based on age, sex, dosha vitiated, constitution, medical condition etc. 

The Panchakarma procedures are always preceded by Purvakarma (Pre-purification process). The purvakarma includes Snehana (lubrication of body systems through internal administration and external oil massages/ghee intake/ application) and Swedana (procedures that induce sweating artificially in a person who has undergone snehana) which prepares the body to eliminate the toxins easily. 

Toxins in the body can be classified into three types – volatile, water-soluble and fat-soluble. Volatile toxins like carbon dioxide are eliminated with the help of our lungs through respiration. Water soluble toxins are also easily cleansed through the kidneys, sweat and elimination of other body fluids. However, the fat soluble toxins are difficult to eliminate. Liver can help to some extent, but the other toxins may get accumulated in the body. Liberal use of oil and ghee in various panchakarma process makes it possible to eliminate these toxic products as well. [i],[ii], [iii], 

The Panchakarmas:[iv],[v] 

  1. Vamana: This refers to induced vomiting and should preferably be performed between 7-8 am in the morning. This method is chiefly used to eliminate kapha (mucous) dosha which usually gets accumulated in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It may be beneficial in respiratory ailments like asthma, bronchitis, cold, cough, sinus problems, etc.
  2. Virechana: This refers to induced purgation and is often used to eliminate excess pitta (bile) which accumulates in gall bladder, liver and small intestine through the anal route. This procedure is usually done early morning around 6 am. This procedure commonly helps reduce symptoms of acne, rashes, skin inflammation, vomiting, nausea, etc.
  3. Vasti: This is the procedure of therapeutic enema where medicines are introduced in suspension form through the anal or genito-urinary route. Vasti can be decoction based or oil based and mostly helps eliminate vata dosha (Vata governs all movement in the mind and body like blood flow, excretion and breathing). It commonly helps in relieving constipation, distension, chronic fever, kidney stones, sexual diseases, heart ache, joint pains, muscle spasms, headache, gout, arthritis, back ache, etc.
  4. Nasya: Administering medicines though the nostrils is known as nasya. Nose is the doorway to the brain and consciousness. Prana (life force) enters the body through the nose and it governs mental activities, intellect, concentration, memory etc. Nasya can be practiced in the morning or evening. Nasya is usually administered in case of afflictions of head and neck region like in sinus congestion, migraine headache, convulsions, eye and ear problems.
  5. Rakta-Mokshana: This stands for therapeutic blood-letting. Toxins present in gastro intestinal tract are easily absorbed in the blood and can lead to diseases of the circulatory system like hypertension, heart diseases and even various skin disorders like acne, eczema, itching, urticaria etc. Extracting a small amount of blood from a vein relieves tension from the toxins present in the blood.


  1. Divya. K et al, Role of Panchakarma in Public Health, 2013, Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion, Volume 1 (3)
  2. Charak Samhita of Agnivesha. Vidhyotini Hindi Vyakhya- Sastry K & Chaturvedi G – Editors. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi 221001. Reprint 2011.
  3. Sushruta Samhita. Chaukhamba Bharati Acacdemy. Varanasi 221001. India
  4. Lavekar G.S et al., A Practical Handbook of Panchakarma Procedures, 2010, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, ISBN :978-81-907420-9-2
  5. Lad.V, An Introduction to Panchakarma, 1994, Ayurveda Today, Volume VII, Number 1, The Ayurvedic Institute